Thursday 31 January 2013

KIDS NEWS: 10 Dangers to Children

చిన్నారులకు పొంచివున్న ప్రమాదాలు
చిన్నారులు లేచింది మొదలు నిద్రపోయే దాకా వివిధ రకాలుగా ముప్పు ఎదుర్కుంటున్నారు. తెలియక జరిగే నష్టాలు కొన్నయితే చేజేతులారా కొనితెచ్చుకుంటున్న నష్టాలు మరికొన్ని. ఇల్లు, స్కూలు ఏదీ పదిలంగా లేదు. తినే తిండి,చదివే చదువు, చూస్తున్న టీవీ... అన్నీ ముప్పుతెచ్చిపెట్టేవే. ఓ మిత్రుడు రాసిన ఆర్టికల్ స్వల్పమార్పులతో....

Modern children are being poisoned like never before in the history of human civilization.
Here's a list of the worst ways in which our children are being poisoned:
1. Multiple vaccinations that inject mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde into children
It is an admitted fact that today's vaccines given to children are intentionally formulated with mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde, all of which is insanely injected into the body of infants and children.
2. Mercury fillings
Astonishingly, dentists continue to fill children's mouths with the most toxic heavy metal known as Mercury.They call them "silver amalgam fillings." But the No. 1 ingredient in these fillings is, of course, the heavy metal mercury.
3. lunches: Toxic processed food ingredients
Mom or School lunches continue to serve our children a toxic cocktail of chemical food additives, partially-hydrogenated oils, chemical preservatives and even cancer-causing color fixers like sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite causes pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and brain tumors in children.
sodium nitrite eating on a regular basis will have sky-high rates of cancer as a result.
4. Television: poisons children's brains with messages of materialism and inadequacy
Television was invented as a way to educate and uplift and population, but it has become dominated by commercial interests who brainwash children into worshiping materialism and being manipulated into feelings of inadequacy.The point of this is to push sugary cereals, action figures, toys and junk foods into the minds of children so that they nag parents into buying it for them. Where is the education in television these days? It is now relegated to a few channels that focus on documentaries and non-fiction subjects, and even those channels are still funded by corporate interests.
5. Public education that teaches revisionist history and toxic ideas about society
Children are being insidiously poisoned by schools and all the atrociously damaging ideas those schools teach. This is all a type of mental poisoning of our children, done under the banner of "education."
6. Toxic personal care products made with cancer-causing poisons:
Shampoo, skin care, toothpaste, air fresheners, laundry soap and more. Children everywhere are being bathed in toxic poisons from all their personal care products, including soaps and shampoos, laundry detergents, fabric softeners and even toothpaste.Most personal care products are loaded with cancer-causing synthetic chemicals. Laundry detergents bathe children's clothing in cancer-causing chemicals which are then worn by the children and absorbed into their bodies. When children become teens, the toxic burden is increased even more through deodorants, makeup and cosmetics, perfumes and colognes. Nearly all conventional body care products contain cancer-causing chemicals, including the high-end, expensive brands.
7. Toxic acids dumped into the water supply after being mislabeled "fluoride"
Children are being wildly poisoned by the dumping of acids into the water supply. This is incorrectly called "fluoride" but it's actually a toxic byproduct of the chemical fertilizer industry or aluminum smelting industry.
8. Toxic indoor air environments at homes and schools:
Formaldehyde, molds, glues and synthetic pollutants. Indoor air pollution is a significant source of toxic chemical exposure for children. Carpets, paints, wood floor and even furniture all give off toxic fumes that can promote cancer and aggravate allergies.Many homes, schools and commercial buildings are contaminated with toxic molds that are also ingested by infants and children. Even hospitals circulate potentially deadly super bugs that can kill children.
9. Video games
Make no mistake that children -- especially boys -- are being mentally poisoned by video games. These games teach boys that violence is normal through the relentless assault of ultra-realistic first-person shooters that put players in the position of violently murdering other human beings.These games desensitize children to the real world, and they train children to grow up and join the military. Some of the most popular games are actually engineered and published by the military as recruiting systems for teens.
10. Mind-altering psychiatric drugs
One of the greatest crimes against children today is found in the realm of psychiatry. That dark art of anti-medicine pretends to "diagnose" children with "disorders" which are then claimed to be treated by mind-altering psychiatric drugs. The entire industry of modern psychiatry is a criminal drug ring conducted for the sole purpose of generating profits by treating children as pharmaceutical disposal objects.


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