Monday 18 February 2013


February 20th is Love Your Pet Day! 

Of course, we pet owners love our pets everyday, but February 20th is day when you can honor your pets by doing something extra special for them. Not many people have heard of this holiday, and its origins are unknown. However, I believe we should work toward making this holiday more popular. Our pets do so much for us, so this February 20th pamper your pets and show them just how much you care!
Why Celebrate?

Pets make us happy and healthyWe should celebrate Love Your Pet Day because pets do so much for us! Here are some of the ways pets help us:

  • Improving emotional well-being: pets reduce stress and make us happier.
  • Improving physical well-being: owning pets can help get us active (eg. walking dogs).
  • Improving social well-being: pets are great conversation starters between strangers which can help breed friendship and love. The pets, themselves, also become our friends and keep us from being lonely.
  • ving us purpose: pets bring meaning to our lives and help us learn responsibility (especially valuable for children).

How NOT to Celebrate


  1. Don't buy someone a pet as a gift for Love Your Pet Day. Pets that are given as gifts often end up in shelters, or not being properly cared for.
  2. Don't force your pet to dress up and do tricks (unless your pet likes to). This is a day for you to show your pet how much you love him or her, not a day for you to show your pet off to other people.
  3. Don't force your pet to do anything else he or she doesn't like (eg. bathing a pet that hates getting wet). This is THEIR day.

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